Wednesday, October 24, 2007

George Bush, a closet pyro?

Hello friends!
Could it really be true? Could George Bush really be a closet pyromaniac? You know, someone who likes to start fires. Well, he may or may not be, but he seems to be responsible for the current fires in California. Of course you had to see this one coming. I am honestly surprised it took them this long.
Senator Barbara Boxer, the lunatic senator from California has declared that the fires are the fault of none other than our President. How, you ask? Well, it seems that the esteemed lunatic senator has determined that the fires happened because all of the National Guard troops from California are in Iraq. Probably to die for the amusement of the President. I am NOT making this stuff up. She really said that. No kidding. I wonder what the normal people in California think of this lunatic? Do they get embarrassed at being represented by her? I sure would! I would caution you to watch the news for more Bush blaming very soon. After all, if the California fires are his fault, who knows what else he has been up too!!!

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