Sunday, November 11, 2007

Say it ain't so!!!

Please tell me this is not true. I am just not able to believe that someone with the personal integrity of Hillary Clinton would be a part of something like this. It seems that the Clinton campaign decided to "plant" a question or two during some appearances by Ms. Clinton in Iowa.
The Clinton campaign at first denied this, but when multiple people came forward to say that they had been approached by campaign workers they finally admittted to it. Of course, two things happened almost immediately. They promised it was an "isolated incident" and that it would not happen again, and the second is that Ms. Clinton had no knowledge of the event.
Do you believe these people? They expect you to believe them! But can you? Of course not. They practice the art of deception the way most people practice good table manners. Face it, this woman wants to be your president, and she is willing to say or do ANYTHING to make that happen.