Friday, April 27, 2007

Harry Reid hates America!

Hi Folks,
Yes, it's true. Harry Reid does indeed HATE America. How do I know this you ask? It is really no mystery at all. Harry himself has said it many times using the "code" words the left is so fond of. Here are a few examples for you. "Now I believe, myself, that the secretary of state, the secretary of defense and you have to make your own decision as to what the president knows: that this war is lost, that the surge is not accomplishing anything," Harry wants America to surrender. Yes, give up, leave, go home, pack it in and call it a day. Think about that. Sit back for two minutes and consider this position.
It is June 7th, 1944. Allied forces have landed on the shores of France in the largest amphibious operation in the history of warfare. Thousands of American troops are dead and dying. The enemy is laying down heavy fire. We are moving off the beaches very slowly, at the cost of many, many lives. If Harry Reid had been President, would he have said, "Due to the large number of casualties we are taking on the beaches of Normandy, I have decided to bring the troops home. This war cannot be won and throwing more lives away will solve nothing."
If that had happened, we would now have Nazi Europe. Think about that folks. The left DOES NOT SEE THE THREAT HERE!!! they do not see that militant Islam is bound and determined to destroy our way of life. They will not rest until America is gone. So do you really want to surrender? Should we give up and walk away?
Liberal, murdering, Senator Teddy Kennedy said this:
"Surrender to who? Who are we surrendering to? This is an unconventional war and has to be dealt with in unconventional ways. This is an administration that has never understood the nature of the threat or the way to respond to it," Kennedy said.
Teddy is an idiot. We would be surrendering to militant Islam. A group that has the total destruction of America as it's publicly stated goal. They don't make a secret of it folks. They want us dead. You, me, your Mom and sister and best friend and your wife and kids and probably your dog as well.
The nature of the threat that Teddy does not understand is really quite simple. Militant Islam has one goal. The complete and total destruction of this country. If we give up now, what does that say to the families of the men and women who have given their lives in defense of our freedoms? What does that say to the men and women who are now fighting for us in Iraq? Teddy Kennedy, Harry Reid and the rest of the Liberal scum want to GIVE UP! They want us to cut and run. I pray that the President will be able to hold fast against those who hate America with such passion. I pray that we do not turn tail and run home. I don't want men to die in battle anymore than anybody else does. But I do want Militant Islam stopped and facing them on the battlefield is the ONLY way it is going to happen. Those people don't sit down and talk. They don't care. They are the ones who started this thing. Now LET'S FINISH IT FOR THEM!!!